Guinness World Records 2022: Ivory Coast Laetitia Ky break record of fastest skip wit hair


Di versatile Ivorian Laetitia Ky break Guinness World Record of pesin wey fit skip fastest wit im own hair in 30 seconds.

Guinness World Records, on Thursday reveal di latest record breakers for year 2022 edition of di popular book.

As usual, di annual publication feature pipo from ogbonge categories.

From dog and cat wey fit ride scooter faster, to di world tallest teenager, pesin wey fit run pass on im hands, Pesin wey fit skip wit im own hair in 30secs and many odas.

Di hairstyles Laetitia create fit take from 20 minutes up to 3 hours to finish and na different kind of style and leghts.

Di 25-year-old Laetitia bin skip a rope wey she make out of her hair for 30 seconds. 
