
Forget about your friends.

We’ve all been there. You meet someone new and you enter the puppy love stage where you always want to see them, talk to them, or be talking about them. You forget about all of your other priorities and responsibilities because you’re so caught up with this one person. But you should never, ever forget about your friends. Your friends were there first. They stood by your side longer than this person, and there’s a good chance they’ll still be by your side long after they are gone. Always make time for the other important people in your life. Don’t be that person who breaks up with their boyfriend and then is suddenly always around. 


Compare them.

Even if you’ve been in relationships before, been in love before, fucked tons of people before, you should never compare the person right in front of you with anyone else. Don’t compare your girlfriend to some hot girl at the bar, or your boyfriend to the jacked guy at the gym. No one likes to feel like they’re in competition with someone they don’t even know. You’ll do nothing but make them feel bad about themselves and then they will resent you for it.


Try to change who they are.

Either accept them or leave. That’s it. You should never try to turn someone into what they’re not just to fit the mold of your ideal mate. That doesn’t exist. So you just have to accept them or keep walking.


Bring up the past.

This is a major NO-NO in an argument. In a relationship, you should only be focusing on the present. No matter how brutal a fight might get, you should never bring up an event from the past. You have to leave it behind. If your boyfriend cheated on you, if your girlfriend did something fucked up that hurt you at one point, you have absolutely no right to bring it up again and use it as ammunition. You have to leave the past where it belongs. If you forgive them for something and you both decide to move on, that means no bringing it back up, no matter how well it might work in your favor at the moment.


Not support them.

You should always have your partner’s back, no matter what . You should never shoot down their dreams or goals, no matter how far-fetched they may be. You should always be there for them, even if they make a stupid decision, to help pick them up and dust them off after. You shouldn’t mock them for being wrong. You shouldn’t make them feel worse about failing. You should always be their rock, their unwavering support system, no matter what.
