The National Fullah Progressive Union - Sierra Leone FPU Launches 500 Million Leones Scholarship Program !!!

The National Fullah Progressive Union - Sierra Leone FPU Launches 500 Million Leones Scholarship Program !!!

By Alfie Barrie

In a bid to complement His Excellency's flagship free quality Education Program, the Fullah Progressive Union( FPU) has on Thursday August 19 Launched a five hundred million Leones scholarship scheme targeting one thousand early childhood pupils in four Districts in the country. 

Ten scholarships will also be allotted to students in the tertiary sector who are studying highly specialized courses. 

When giving a synopsis of the Education initiative, the FPU Education secretary Hasmieu Barrie noted that the intiative is just the pilot face which he said is perfectly aligned with the national agenda. He said that the scheme will fill a lot gap in the education sector especially when he said the scheme will be heavily tilted towards women and those who are in the STEM that is Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

When officially unveiling the scheme and at the same time launching the FPU's membership cards, the Minster of technical and Higher Education Prof. Alpha Tejan Wurie commended the current leadership for bringing the fullahs under a single umbrella. Personally singling out the current president Alhaji Sanu Barrie for what he called his " remarkable drive towards growth and Unity' Prof. Wurie noted that Fullahs have always been at the apogee of education in the country. " We have been dolling out brilliant graduates who have made a name in every tertiary institution in the country" Prof. Wurie noted. He furthered that it is particularly impressive when the scholarship is targeting pre-school pupils, as he said catching them young will shape them for the future.

The FPU president Alhaji Umaru Sanu Barrie underscored the need for unity and sustainable development promising to fulfill every strata of His campaign promises he made. Alhaji Umaru Sanu Barrie promised that there is going to ba an upscaling of the scheme targeting every Region in the country.

The well attended Launching was climaxed with donations coming from members including the Financial secretary donating one Hundred million Leones to the scheme whiles the President and his family donated a whooping three hundred million Leones. At the end of the donation, the targeted five hundred million was passed and the need for all to sign up for the membership card was accentuated which is now available at the FPU Headquarters at Aberdeen Rd ranging from different categories.
