For Gates, Musk, Bezos, Spending $1 Million Is Like Spending $1


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have so much money that you could spend thousands — or even more than $1 million — as easily as the average American shells out a dollar for a candy bar?

That’s what it must be like to be Bill Gates. With his net worth of $131 billion, spending $1.08 million is comparable to someone else spending $1. In fact, Gates could spend $1 million a day for the next 350 years and still not run out of money.

Of course, Gates isn’t alone. The Microsoft founder is the fourth-richest person in the U.S. behind Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, according to Forbes’ Real-Time Billionaires List.

The Federal Reserve points out that the median U.S. household has a net worth of $121,700. Divide Bezos’ net worth of $211.4 billion, based on Forbes data, by that number and Bezos can spend $1.7 million as easily as the average American can spend $1. For Musk, $1.3 million is the equivalent of $1. That would make the price to launch Falcon 9, SpaceX’s most frequently flown reusable rocket, equivalent to a mere $47.69 out of the average American’s wallet.
