Racist Chinese worker in Sierra Leone violently attacks a local Sierra Leonean employee


A disgraceful video showing a Racist Chinese worker in Sierra Leone, West Africa, violently attacking a Sierra Leonean employee has not only gone viral but has attracted massive condemnation and calls for the Chinese worker to be arrested, charged to court, imprisoned, and then kicked out of Sierra Leone after serving his prison term.

Although the employers of the Chinese worker (Photo) – CRSG say they have dismissed him with immediate effect, it is not clear whether the police will take any action to prosecute.


The Sierra Leone Telegraph sent the video to a senior police officer in the force for comment and to confirm whether they will be taking action, but there has been no comment, suggesting that the government and the police have decided to turn a blind eye and allow the company to deal with the matter as they see fit.

Violence and abusive behaviour by Chinese nationals working and living in Africa is an all too familiar occurrence in many countries around the continent, especially in Zambia and Angola.

But Sierra Leoneans are saying loud and clear that they will not tolerate such behaviour, even though their government officials may keep quiet because of the huge personal financial gain they are amassing from their Chinese guests in the country.

It is not clear what caused the violent attack on the Sierra Leonean employee but yesterday both the Chinese Railway Company on whose site the volent attack took place, and the company employing the racist and barbaric Chinese worker, issued statements condemning the violent attack and racist behaviour of the Chinese worker.


  1. This Chinese people are damn to racist when ever its comes to black, to be honest I don't know why they hate us blacks deep down anyways that's life .......


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