Sierra Leone Inspector General of Police suspends senior officers for corruption and misconduct


Sierra Leone’s Inspector General of Police – Ambrose Sovula (Photo above), last week suspended four senior police officers in his watch for alleged corruption and misconduct.

The country’s Head of Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Chief Superintendent John K. Alpha was suspended along with his Deputy Tommy B. Zizer and CID Operations Officer Mohamed K. Allieu (notoriously known as MK Alieu).


An internal memo issued by Assistant Inspector General of Police – Brima Jah, the new Director of Professional Standards who was until recently the Director of Crimes at CID, indicates that the three senior police officers have been suspended for negligence, corrupt practices and non-compliance to orders issued by the police chief, Ambrose Sovula.

Their suspension came to immediate effect on May 21 – the same day all three were demoted to subdivisions as a local unit commander and general duty officers respectively.

Unlike M.K Allieu (Photo) who became notorious for arresting a portrait of the former president as evidence in last year’s trial of opposition APC politician Dr Sylvia Blyden who was fighting a bogus charge of seditious libel against president Bio, the fourth man, Inspector Brima A. Munu, is not a well-known police officer.


All four men have been stripped of their badges and placed under investigation.


Prior to their suspension the IG of Police – Sovula demoted and posted all three officers to lower duties.

J K Alpha – former head of CID was transferred to Congo Cross policde station as Local Unit Commander; MK Alieu – former operations officer at CID was transferred to Freetown East (Ross Road) police station to take on general duties; Tommy Zizer – former deputy head of CID was transferred to Freetown West (Lumley) police station to take on general duties.

Other announcements as part of president Bio’s police shake up include the promotion of Ms Joan Bull who was legal officer at CID to become the Head of Legal and Justice Support of the Sierra Leone Police, taking over from Mr Richard Robert who has been promoted to Head of CID – replacing the now suspended chief superintendent John K. Alpha.

Commenting on the demotion and suspension of the notorious M.K. Alieu to ordinary officer role in the police force, Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden (Photo) whose human rights were grossly violated and abused by M.K. Alieu, during last year’s investigation into alleged seditious libel against the president by Dr Blyden, said this:


“This chap M.K. ALIEU is now an ordinary General Duty (GD) fellow with immediate effect as from yesterday May 21st 2021 when he got instantly demoted in job assignment from Number 3 (Head of Operations at CID) to now be basically a ‘fontoba’ without fixed duties.

“It is a very serious demotion on the exact anniversary of the day when, after he had spent 21 days fruitlessly finding something criminal to charge me with, he cooked up a bunch of ridiculous charges against me at the C.I.D on May 21st 2020 after he and the then Head of CID, J.K. ALPHA (also instantly demoted yesterday) had forced me to sleep on bare filthy floor in a faeces-smelling police CID cell with no mattress and no blanket for 21 days.

“The State charged me the next morning (May 22nd) to court on amusingly stupid charges to please this current Government who had been desperate to justify my unlawful, abusive detention as a Woman.
