Sierra Leone has lost one of its finest legal minds – says Chief Justice Edwards


Sierra Leone’s Chief Justice, Desmond Babatunde Edwards yesterday said that the death of Justice Dr. Rosolu Bankole John Thompson is an irreparable loss and described him as one of the finest legal minds in society.

Justice Bankole Thompson, as he is fondly known, is one of three Judges appointed by President Bio to head the recently concluded Commission of Inquiry into the activities of the former APC government.

Speaking at the Judiciary’s official opening Book of Condolence and Solemn Tribute Session in honour of the Late Justice Dr. Thompson (Photo), the Chief Justice said that Justice Thompson lived a selfless and dedicated life to humanity.

“You have played your part in this world’s stage…..You have fought a good fight, finished the course and kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of  righteousness.”

He added that such selfless and remarkable character distinguished the late man as a true embodiment of the finest human and legal virtues.

To the family of Justice Thompson and wife Mrs. Dr. Adiatu Thompson, the Chief Justice expressed on behalf of the Bench his deepest sympathy and prayed that God comforts them.

In his declaration of purpose, Justice Reginald Fyn, said that the Bench, SLBA, Law Office and the Judiciary have lost a “Giant Cotton Tree.” According to him, tradition demands they should gather to honour and celebrate the good work of the late Justice.

In his tribute, President of the Residual Special Court of Sierra Leone Justice Jon Kamanda said that the late Justice Dr. Thompson (Photo above) left behind indelible footprints that show young Lawyers the way to flourish in the legal field.

He described Justice Thompson as man of no mean repute who demonstrated patriotism, excellence, humility, and efficiently served his country and humanity.

Speaking on behalf of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, Lawyer Francis Gabidon said that the late Justice Dr. Thompson contributed greatly to the jurisprudence and justice of the country with several books, articles and chapters written to his credit.

The ceremony was climaxed by the signing of the Book of Condolence in honour of the late Justice Dr. Thompson. Among the sympathizers were the Secretary to President, Dr. Julius Sandi; SLBA President Michaella Swallow; Deputy Minister of Justice; and Solicitor General Mohamed Lamin Tarawally.
